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Schnitzel Challah

In this class you will make

Challah Bread, Oven Baked Schnitzel, Madboucha dipping sauce, Oven Baked Egg Plant

DURATION 3 hours

$800.00 / per person

Category Cook and Eat
Please let us know if you have any special requirements below including dietary requirements, or if you are booking this for someone else.

Schnitzel is the ideal Israeli comfort food, for children and adults alike. On Fridays, when mothers prepare Challah bread for the Sabbath ceremony, there’s always an extra loaf reserved for Friday lunch Schnitzel sandwiches. In this class, you’ll learn how to make a traditional Challah bread loaf (including braiding), oven baked Schnitzel, a moroccan dip known as Madboucha, and a hack where you can make ‘fried’ eggplant in the oven.